Friday, September 19, 2008

Wish List - Birth

We are putting together papers and whatnot for Emi's file and baby book. And I was looking at our birth plan.

Support Persons Present for Labor: Partner, Doula, friends

Let's see...our labor was through the wee hours of the morning. I was there. Our doula and a nurse were there. Friends? Yeah right...though I think a few of you were awake and thinking of us during some of those wee hours.

Support Present During Medication Administration: Partner, Doula

This was right on. Though I couldn't bear to look at the needle. On top of that, I was trying to help Hope hold still during the administration. But I totally appreciate the suggestion from our instructor to stay on the front side of Hope to make sure I didn't have to watch the needle....

Support Present During Cesarean: Partner, Doula

Thankfully, it didn't come to this. My fingers were crossed that Hope wouldn't have to get sliced. As it turns out, she was born to bear babies! At least this time around....

Positions for Labor: Walking, Birth Ball, Swaying, Squatting, Hands and Knees

Ha ha (in my best Cosby impersonation). Let's see...walking? Yeah, right. It was all Hope could do to stay upright during a contraction. This was when she wasn't being suspended in our arms from the bed. Though I will say she tried to walk on a few occasions but I always felt like she was going to collapse onto the floor when a contraction hit.

The birth ball. Yeah, right (again, with the Cosby). She tried this a few times at home. Every time she lowered (no, collapsed) onto the ball, I thought she was going to roll right off. As I was running around the house, trying to grab the last few things and time her contractions, I'd see Hope getting ready to settle onto the ball. I'd have to go diving back into the room to try and steady the ball just to make sure we didn't have a mama mess splayed across the bedroom floor.

Swaying. I'm not totally sure if it was me or Hope swaying the entire time. But I'm pretty sure the room was spinning the entire time too.

Squatting. This never even came close to happening. Not once. If Hope was in any position to move when a contraction started, I had to first pry her off the ceiling (once the contraction hit) and then try to fold her into a position that she found comfortable. Inevitably, those positions were never comfortable for me. But if they worked for her....

Hands and knees. Right. No really, right! This was the one thing Hope found comfortable during early labor. For the short amount of time that we spent at home, this was generally what she felt was the best. But only if I could put a knee right against her tail bone. While I was running around the house grabbing things. And timing the contractions. And prying her from the ceiling. And trying to keep her from falling off the balance ball. And drive too the hospital. Our doula was concerned that I was losing my cool. Nope, I was just trying to multi-task. (I should have tried responding to emails and blogging about my experience all while doing the aforementioned tasks)

Rupture of Membranes (Bag of Water):

Whatever necessary. In fact, the nurse tried to break the bag but it was too tough. My daughter, the tough girl! It was broken until it finally protruded enough for the nurse to really get after it. With her teeth! (no, not really)

Comfort Measures: Heat or Cold Therapy, Massage, Jacuzzi or Shower, Music, Aromatherapy, Visualization

Right! Did I mention before that there was no time? None! We tried the jacuzzi but that just intensified Hope's contractions. She ended up turning off the jets. We then dragged a bedraggled mummy out of the tub because the was not happy being in there. Think wet cat! Aromatherapy? It went too fast. Visualization, well...we had a mirror. And as far as the music is concerned...we had picked out some fantastic music for labor and birth. When I went to flash it onto my iPod (whilst multi-tasking), Hope pitched a conniption. There was no music to be had.

Monitoring: Intermittent External, Internal if necessary

This was pretty cool. Hearing the heartbeat. Knowing it was all going well. Watching Hope squirm for twenty minutes while they established a baseline was brutal.

Food and Hydration: Ice Chips, Water, Light Snacks, IV, Popsicles

Nothing out of the ordinary here. Though there were a few moments when I thought about trying to drop a few ice chips down the front of Hope's sports bra. Keep in mind, I love doing this on a regular basis. But something told me it wouldn't be appropriate during those hours.

Medications: Prefer to Ask for Medications

Yup. If there was ever a time I was going to start drugs, labor and birth was it. But they kept saying no, despite the number of times I asked.

Positions for Pushing or Delivery: Sitting, Squatting, Side-lying, Hands and Knees

Once the epidural was in, there was only one position...on her back. But this, at least, meant that I no longer had to peel her off the ceiling after the start of each contraction. In fact, I took a nap. On my back!

Birth Options: Prefer a Tear to an Episiotomy, Perineal Massage, Warm Compresses

Too fast. It all went too fast. Hope did get to tear instead of getting cut. As far as the massage is concerned. Maybe it happened. Maybe it didn't. I wasn't about to watch anything like that!

Welcoming Baby: Immediate Contact with Baby, Cord cut by: Seth

This may be the one thing on our list that went as planned. Perfection!

Additional Desires: Photograph the birth, Lights Dimmed at Birth, Music at Birth

The lights were dimmed. I tried taking pictures with my fifth hand but I'm just not that ambidextrous. Music...yeah, we talked about music!

Postpartum: Rooming-in of Baby, Circumcison

The baby stayed with us the entire time. Which made us quite happy as we became accustomed to being parents. We got used to the diaper changes (it really is black right off the bat). And we are not about to circumcise our daughter. Not going to do it....

Feeding: Breastfeeding, Pacifier

Here too, we have been successful. Hope's milk came in fairly quickly. And Emi doesn't seem to want to go for the pacifier all that often.

So...our birth plan. It was fun writing it. We didn't even come close to really following it. But good fun looking back at what we wanted and expected for our labor and delivery.

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