Tuesday, November 6, 2012


I remember, as a child, hoisting the flag. At school. At my Aunt Mary Jo's house with my uncle Richie.

As I grew up, that childhood patriotism waned. I grew less wide eyed toward our government, toward the process, and more and more disappointed by the lack of education of the voters. The ambivalence. The closed mindedness.

Tonight, my adopted state went blue again. My home state went blue again. And my home state voted not only to overturn a previous law banning same sex marriages but also is looking like they will vote to allow same sex couples to marry.

As we drove home from dinner with my brother-in-law, I realized that I was suddenly feeling a patriotism that I had not felt since I was a child. Maybe I had never felt it at all. But listening to the election coverage was inspiring. And this has been added to the outside of our house.