Monday, December 20, 2010


This made me think of my old friend this morning.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Major Faux Pas

Growing up, I was never good with names. When we took the 6 hour drive to New York to visit with my Mom's family, I would spend all 6 hours quizzing my mother on the names of all my relatives.

I have worked diligently over the years to develop ways to remember names of co-workers, distant friends, clients and many others. I rely on repetition, mnemonics and outright cheating (check the cell phone...check FaceBook...check the notes on my hand) in order to make sure I don't get caught without a name.

It all failed on me tonight.

A repeatedly called a friend I work with the wrong name tonight. When she called me on it, I completely blanked and could not conjure up her name. A name I usually was able to find without even thinking about it.

I failed.

All I could do was apologize.

Many times in life, I have felt like a jackass. Tonight, I would have been lying if I said I felt like a jackass.

I was the jackass.

Kelsey, I am so sorry. While this is not who I am, it IS who I am. I work so hard to cover up my difficulty with remembering names and tonight, it all fell apart.

I am so sorry. I can't begin to think of what I can do to make it right and I can't begin to tell you how much shame I feel.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

To my wife

I read this post from Momastery and immediately thought of you. I was reminded of our commitment to each other, my love for you and of the wonderful friendship we have developed and maintained over all these years.

There is a song by Bebo Norman, called "Borrow Mine." It is a song he wrote about a conversation heard between two friends; one, who was going through deep personal troubles, told the other, "I just don't know if I have faith anymore." The other friend replied by saying, "Then, you can borrow mine. I'll have enough faith for both of us."

I love you.


This morning, Hope had to go into Emi's room and wake her up around 7:15. Typically, Emi wakes up on her own between 6:30 and 6:45. It is a race occurrence where we need to wake her up.

However, this morning, she said, "Mom, I don't want to wake up."

So it starts....


I have been silent, politically speaking, recently.

Politics are what they are...seems like certain things never change.

Today frustrated me immensely. Why in the world do we need to extend the Bush era tax cuts to those earning $250k or more a year? Why? Can someone please explain this to me?

Why do the Democrats continue to kowtow to the Republican pressures and allow this? Take the fight to the streets. Explain to the dirt poor constituents in the Republican stronghold down south that the reason taxes are going back up is because the Republicans refused to extend the tax break because the rich were not included in the break.

All this to get an extension on unemployment benefits? Take that out into the streets and let the populace know that Republicans are fighting against it as well. See how well that flies within their constituency.

C'mon #44, grow a sack and get people mad. You are there to make a difference. You are there to make a change. Prove it to me. Be our leader, not our great conciliator.