Friday, June 6, 2008

XKCD Redux

I hate to post nearly twice in a row about this comic strip but here I am.

Check this one out.

Now, while my good humor can elicit a smile while reading this, I find the actual message far more poignant when I think about friends and family who are native. And I think of the conversations...arguments, really...that I have had with others about the concept of one national language.

My thoughts turn to the things we, as Americans, forget. The lessons which I thought we as a nation had learned (or should have learned) long ago continue to haunt us. Immigration. Nationalism. Wrongful internment. Gay rights. Civil rights (and yes, they are two separate and equally important things...MLK would shake his head at the lack of progress in 2008). Gender equality. Education. Fiscal responsibility. Environmentalism. Health care. Justice. Separation of church and state. My, how this list goes on.

These are battles our parents have fought but it is time for us to take over the reins and ensure that our nation continues to learn and grow in the right direction. My friends, when will WE stand up and make a difference?

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