Friday, January 9, 2009

The Weekend Ahead

I got in my fun last night. I watched the first period of the Blackhawks v Avs game with Sally last night. Headed out to ref a game (that took way too long). Got home and stayed up until somewhere in the vicinity of one-ish prepping Gibson's next week and a half of food.

Why, you may ask?

Well, the weekend starts early this afternoon when Hope heads off to her Master's Class and leaves Emiko with me.

I find it to be so difficult to get anything done when we hang out alone together. I just want to play with her toys or watch her discover something new and exciting.

Which means we get nothing done all weekend long.

But we get to smile, laugh, feed on bottles and change diapers together. I could wish for nothing more! I am hoping the weather holds out enough that I can sneak her outside for a hike along with Gibson. If I can pull that off and she is happy, then I am happy!

Plus I need to help Hope finish up a paper by proofing it and seeing if there anything else she needs to add.

All good stuff. What a weekend ahead!

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