Monday, January 12, 2009

First bout of sickness

We really can't complain. Our good friend's son was so sick that they had to cut his first NHL game short and return home to Eagle...all the while cleaning puke from his car seat as they headed home. It was a rough day for them.

Emi threw up on Sunday morning. But we thought it was from what Hope had for dinner the night before. So we didn't think much of it since Emi was not running a fever. She was fine all day long, I even took her for a quick walk outside but retreated indoors because of the wind.

I left for hockey around 4 and by the time Hope got home, Emi was running a fever of 103. Yikes. But it diminished rapidly and was back to normal by the time Hope put her down for the night.

Lucky again but I'm still nervous. Emiko will be at school all day and I just want her to be healthy and comfy. We do have a doc appointment this afternoon for her second round of shots so hopefully we can have our concerns eased at that point.

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