Sunday, August 10, 2008

You've Got a Friend

We were gifted tickets to the James Taylor concert at Red Rocks on Thursday night (thanks Cheryl!). Hope had to climb I don't know how many steps to our seats and I was very impressed and proud of how well she did. This is no small feat as the stairs are steep and they never seem to stop. This may also be the first concert we have attended together at Red Rocks. While we waited for the act to take the stage, we walked through the concerts we have attended together since she moved to Colorado and we could not come up with a single show we had come to Red Rocks for. She has been with friends and I had purchased tickets for us to see Nora Jones and then promptly headed to Florida to cut wood.

JT played many of the covers from his most recent album as well as his most famous tunes. Two huge sets and they were fantastic. But the song that really touched me was "You've Got a Friend." Before he started the song he spent some time talking about Carol King and how he was so excited to get to play the tune. But it was the song that got to me. I began thinking of all the wonderful friends I have. My best friend sitting next to me. The friends from childhood who still are there. My friends from school...junior, high and college. The newest friends I have found out here in Colorado and spread across the country and world. Friends who volunteer to babysit for our unborn child. And finally, my friends who are no longer with us. All so incredibly special and all friends who will last a lifetime.

Where would any of us be without these friends? They will all be our extended family, our supports, our comedians and our sounding-boards. The best I can say is thank you and I love you all.

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