Thursday, August 14, 2008

In remembrance of Carson Spencer

I have lost a two friends over the years to suicide. I often think of both. One lives on as a player on my personal all-star hockey team. The other lives on as a phone number in my cell that I can't delete, it helps me think of a friend who I worked and hung out with many years ago.

I was blown away the other morning when I heard Carson's name on CPR as Hope and I were driving to the office. We were chatting and the radio was simply background noise; we were barely listening to it. Carson's sister was being interviewed by StoryCorps for the story on Carson and his death. Hearing his name out of the blue brought memories and tears to my eyes.

The link to the interview is here...the one on the upper right.

Carson played hockey with me on a team called the Flying Fortress. This was a great group of guys and I am happy to still count all of them as friends...several as close friends and brothers. Carson had a great smile and was a natural born storyteller. And he was fantastic at parties, both the ones he threw and the ones where we were both in attendance.

I remember a late night party at his house when were chipping balls from his backyard onto the green that was beyond his backyard. Ok...everyone else was chipping balls onto the green, I was shanking them left and right. I think one even hit the fence and came straight back at us. We laughed late into the night, watched/listened to a Steely Dan concert DVD and did our best not to wake their young child. It was a good night.

Carson, we all miss you.

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