Monday, August 25, 2008

Another Full Day

Ah, stupidity.

I went to help with final selections on the Squirt A travel team on Sunday. The final 3 positions that were getting filled were not easy to pick. The skaters were all working very hard and looked very equal. But the final picks were made and my friend is off to what we hope will be a good start to a fun season.

I had forgotten about the fun and excitement at the youth level. I don't work enough youth games and it was fantastic to be involved, even just a little bit, with helping out. Squirts and 10 and under and they were awesome to watch out playing hockey and being creative on the ice.

Then (it was a busy day) it was off to Bed, Bath and Beyond. Our shower caddy has been rusting out in the upstairs bathroom and has been sliding on the shower head. This results in all razors, soaps, shampoos and what not being launched at your unprotected toes. Usually when your face is covered with soap and you are utterly defenseless. It makes for an interesting dance during the early morning shower.

So, I wanted to get us a new caddy that without an eject button. It was not a hard decision to make. I was in and out of the store in a matter of minutes.

At home, I played with Gibson for a moment and then went upstairs to assemble the new shower caddy. There were many zip ties holding the various parts together. I started working my way up from the bottom using the cutters on a set of needle nose pliers (I couldn't find my cutting dikes). First one went without a hitch. The second one popped as I was wedging the pliers into place. And of course, I drilled my eye with the sharp, pointy-thingy end of the pliers.

A bright flash of light and, as I looked down, I could see my contact where it had popped out and landed on the floor in front of my face (I was kneeling at the time). I stood up immediately and ran to grab my phone from downstairs to call Hopey and then ran back upstairs to check myself in a mirror for damage.

Some blood and a pretty good puncture wound below my eye. A cut on my eyelid over my eye but nothing beyond that. A quick (haha) trip to the ER, a few sutures later and a quick eye scan which revealed a scratch on my cornea and all is good.

So...what did I learn this weekend? Wear safety glasses and use the right tool.

Oh, and Gibson? Yeah, he was stuck at home by himself from about 10:30 in the morning until about 9:30 at night. How did he do? Magnificently. What an incredible dog!

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