Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Validation and vindication

Hope returned from Maine with the baby book my mother kept for me (along with a scrapbook...yikes, we aren't even going to talk about THAT here). Enclosed in the baby book, along with the standard familial anecdotes and firsts was a copy of what I believe was entitled "The Mukai Sentinel".

All you Main-ahs out there will likely recognize the loose affiliation with our other locally esteemed tome of journalistic excellence. One of my Mother's attempts to guide my education and likely keep me out of her hair for more than five minutes was to have me publish a weekly family newsletter. I was able to write, edit and publish all pieces of my opus on our Apple IIc. What a magnificent machine. When completed and if memory serves, we would mail each set of letters out to our extended family in New York, Jersey and points to our north (well, west really).

An early form of a blog, perhaps? Thanks and kudos to my Mom!

In other news....

My baby book also noted that I never wanted to wake up in the morning. Not only as a baby but into childhood. And that I was grumpiest in the first moments following my exit from slumber.

All still true!

I need to research further if I had trouble falling asleep at night. Which may explain why I am writing this somewhere past midnight. With that note, I retire.

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