Thursday, July 31, 2008

Bicycle Commuting - Intermezzo

I've noticed a lack in reporting on my bicycle commuting this summer. A few factors have contributed to my lackluster performance as of late.

  1. Flat tire on the road bike - my road tires are roached...dry rotted and squared off. I have new tires on the way but I was hesitant to fix the flat and try riding again out of fear that the same would happen again. I fear I have picked up too much glass in my front tire and I really, really do not want to catch a flat at 30 mph on the road. Actually, I fear the resulting wreck.
  2. Titanium ARC project - it is coming along. I've needed some parts for the past weeks and finally placed the order the other day. I should be able to get it together over the next few days.
  3. Hope was gone for over two weeks and then worked all last week. So I brought Gibson to work. Commuting on a bike becomes a little past difficult when you have a 110 pound dog to bring to work. I suppose I could try putting him on a bus....
  4. It's damn hot. No really, my drive to work often finishes with a low to mid 80's ambient temperature. This puts a damper on my desire to hop on a bike for my morning commute.
  5. Gas got more expensive and I felt like contributing to the oil exec's profits. Oh...wait a minute.
  6. There is NOOOO...rule six.
  7. Riding the full suspension mountain bike to work is really not appealing. Knobby tires on pavement never equates to fun. They just don't belong there.
  8. Tell me to get off my lazy ass...I should be riding a bike. Really.

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