Saturday, July 5, 2008

July 1, 1998

I spent a good portion of tonight playing guitar until my fingers bled. Ok, that's not true. I played until my fingers in my left hand were so numb that they could only mash the strings against the fret board.

I have tried to always put a date on songs that I have written. I pulled out my old notebooks and sight read many old songs tonight, some that I don't even really remember writing or how they go. And I found the date of the first song I ever wrote, just 3 days over 10 years ago. Wow.

It is pretty incredible to think of all that has happened over those ten years. I keep wanting to put pen to paper and write again but it seems that I have a bad case of writer's block. Thus, I keep writing here hoping that the dam will break loose and music can get written down on paper again.

Some time soon, I hope....

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