Wednesday, July 23, 2008

What are you going to do?

This past winter, Hope and I traveled back to Maine for the holidays. We got to see many close friends, folks we simply live too far away from.

One night, we were invited to a small party at Brandon's casa. After an amazing dinner (everything he cooks is amazing), we sat around playing a really goofy board game and then ended up in a conversation about politics.

Rob and Heather are from Maine but living in Australia. Brandon grew up in Maine and never left. Hope and I are from Maine (actually, Hope is from Alaska) and live in Colorado. We all share similar views and all agreed that we are voting the same way. Ultimately, that is 5 votes going to the right (or left, if you will) side. But that's not enough.

We concluded that simply discussing the same issues among friends would not be enough. We aren't going to change each other's minds and we don't need to. A simple vote, while important, is not necessarily enough to ensure a victory for the Democrats. We needed to become more involved. We needed to spend some time trying to lend a hand beyond the one that pulls the lever at the ballot box.

Hope caucused this year for Obama. I stayed home since I am a registered Independent. As summer progressed, I continued to have the same conversations with friends and continued to ask what we are going to do to help out. But I never really asked myself what I would do.

Another conversation with a like minded individual opened up the idea of volunteering for the convention in Denver. And that is exactly what I am going to do. I have signed up as a volunteer. I have received my ticket for the orientation. I have found at least one other person from my neighborhood to carpool with. And I head down to be orientated on Saturday.

I will not, however, drink the koolaid.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Seth - I think that it is great that you are getting involved and doing something like this. Everyone needs to do more of this!