Friday, November 19, 2010

Lesson Plan 7 - The Importance of Family

"Family is not an important thing, it's everything." - Michael J. Fox

Dearest Emiko, the quote above says it all, in fact, I'm having a difficult time trying to think of ways to expound on this. However, I would like to point out that family is not always blood relation. Family is also those friends closest to you, your sisters and brothers from other mothers.

Family will always help you get back up.

Family will always be there in your darkest hour.

Family will always share with you in the good and bad.

Family will always challenge you but they will never ask you why.

Family will always show you that you are loved.

Emi, I grew up a long way from our related family. It was an 8-10 hour trip from Maine to see our grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins. And so, while we cherished those visits with our relatives, we also had a tight group of family friends who doubled as our Maine family. Our parents were best friends with our best friend's parents. That gave us two additional sets of parents who made sure we stayed in line, made sure we remained disciplined, made sure we didn't slack off from our studies. We always knew someone who loved us was looking after us.

My Mom and Dad always impressed upon us the importance of taking care of your family, and your friends, first. Your Mom and I hope to be able to do the same.

Family first, always.

With so much love,


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