Thursday, January 7, 2010

I feel queasy

Oh Emi, your Dad was not squeamish in the past. Is it you who has brought this side out in him?

I'm not sure if it was the lack of food that left me feeling woozy. Or if it was my attempt to clean out Gibson's recently ruptured cyst while also attempting to keep Emi from poking at it in between cotton balls. It does not help that the cyst has gone from oozing blood and pus to me picking out dried pus balls from it.

Or if it was the nastiest poo to date that I had to clean off of Emi moments later.

But I think I threw up in my mouth a little. I had to sit down and catch a breath of fresh air!

My mother and father had an agreement. Dad took care of the blood and guts. Mom handled everything else. I may have to call my father into town....


I think I'm hungry.