Sunday, January 29, 2012

In memoriam of Michael James Lachat

It's been a rough start of the year. Last night, after finishing up an ECHL game, we got news that one of our good friends lost his brother.

Rocket, our hearts go out to you. I am going to borrow your words as they are far superior to anything I may say.
He was born May 15th 1957 at 3:50pm. The doctors told our Mom & Dad he would not survive & they had an emergency Baptism for him on May 17th. In my Mother's distraught state she told the nurse the wrong name -- He was suppose to be James Michael & he was officially Michael James. He survived 6 months & then the doctors told my folks he wouldn't function well, if at all after age 16. Well as always he thumbed his nose at that prediction & 4 mos shy of his 55th birthday at around 11:30am on Jan 28th, God invited Michael James Lachat to heaven for a family get together with our Mom & Pop, aunts & uncles, grandma & nana, grandfathers & great grandmother. I will miss him everyday but know they're all having the time of their lives breaking bread. I love you Mike.
You are a wonderful man, Joe.

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