Wednesday, May 6, 2009

LD 1020 and 89-57

It's another beautiful day here in Colorado. The sun is out, the grass is green and all is well. But the day is even more incredible back in Maine. The Senate and House have both passed LD 1020 (21 - 14 and 89-57, respectively). This is a step toward legalizing gay marriage in the great state of Maine.

Is the battle over?

No. Unfortunately, there is a group who is trying to organize a people's veto by collecting 55,087 signatures which is not outside the realm of possibility. But the fight exists and while it is not clear where the governor stands on this divisive issue, it is clear that the majority of Maine's government is ready to take a stand on their beliefs.

It's a proud day for us Mainers!

More here....

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