Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Isaac and Ishmael

I sat and watched one of my favorite episodes of West Wing this evening: "Two Cathedrals." That is the conclusion of the second season and closes out with one of my favorite Dire Straits songs, "Brothers in Arms." It never fails to bring tears.

I went to pop in the first disc of season 3 and was solemnly reminded that the premier of the third season was delayed. I had forgotten that "Isaac and Ishmael" even existed. An ode to tolerance, racial, religious and otherwise; a request for support for those who responded in our time of need. And it had come at a time when it was desperately needed, airing on October 3, 2001.

This is an episode that should be played in every classroom across America. It should be rerun on TV to serve as a reminder. It should be used to educate. It should be used to stimulate conversations and encourage thoughts.

Let us never forget. Let us learn. Let us teach.

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