Thursday, August 6, 2009

Make-A-Wish - A Little Yeti Love

This came to me this morning and it brought tears of happiness!

Hey Seth!

We just gave A--- his bike!!

I still have Goosebumps.

Imagine a lanky young man- 15/16 years old. This past year has been a living nightmare with treatments and relapse of Leukemia. Now fast-forward and you see this kid standing in the middle of a pizza joint, surrounded by his friends, eyes covered. This awesome of all awesomes bike gets rolled out to him. He uncovers his eyes… his knees wobble, as tears form he quickly wipes them away and says; “ this is… this is… SO AWESOME!!! This is better than I could have ever imagined. This is mine ?? Really? This is AWESOME!!! Thank you so much!!!!!!” His friends are now oooing and awwwing over this “AWESOME” sculpture of metal and rubber. They are all buckin with who should get to ride it and how fast can ya go? A--- was so excited. Then he saw the shirt and hat! Immediately the hat went on his head covering the fuzz that is sporadically starting to return to his head. Then one of his buddies showed him the book.

This sent him over the top!!! You guys are so wonderful- as A--- would say AWESOME!!! You really made a difference in A---’s life. Although he is suppose to hold off from riding for a bit- his mom okay’s him to take the bike home an do a quick tour around the property… just to test it out. Make sure it works and all!! A---, his parents, sister, and friends think you all are “da bomb” and so do we!

Thank you so much for making A--- ’s wish come true!!!

I really appreciate you!

What an incredible organization. Make-A-Wish originally contacted one of our shops and was directed to talk to us. Make-A-Wish paid for the bike but we did what we could to make it far more affordable for them. When we put this together with Make-A-Wish, I grabbed a hat and shirt and placed it in with the shipment. One of our guys put together the bike for A---, something we don't normally do here at the factory. And finally, I passed around a Yeti catalog and everyone here signed it for A---, including a couple of the World Cup riders who were here visiting at the time. Everyone here at Yeti was involved on this one and this message made everyone here super happy.

I wonder if, being a parent, this strikes home in a different way now. I don't just see A--- in my mind but also a set of parents and friends who have worked so hard to support him in such a trying time. I also see a group of guys and gals at a factory, who toil so hard to help make a company successful. To us, each Yeti frame loses some of that special charm since we see them every day. We overlook the fact that each of these bikes represents a dream to someone.

This time, each of us was involved in helping that dream come true for a child who has had to shoulder a burden no one ever deserves. We got to help, to see it through and be a part of making his special wish come true. There could not be a better day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's awesome! You guys at Yeti rock! The tribe is a big family, and it sounds like there is a new member.