Thursday, December 18, 2008

NPR moment for thought. All the years of arguing with parents about sleeping arrangements. Or being scared that Skip was going to come tearing into the room with a shotgun....

Those uncomfortable tendencies are left behind us now we both wear a ring on our left hand. Though the fear still exists. Take, for instance, our holiday at home last year:

Hope, to Seth as she climbs into bed with him at her family farm in Norridgewock, "Seth, why are you still fully dressed?"

Seth, to Hope...deadpan, "If your Dad comes into this room and finds me sleeping with you, it makes for a faster and warmer escape through the snowy fields."

Hope, surprised, "But we are married now!"


Today on NPR, they had a call in show about sleeping arrangements for the holidays. Nephews getting kicked out of the room, dating couples not being allowed to share a know the story.

I remember those days!

And it dawns on me that the fuss and frustration I created at my family's house will "soon" be transferred to me when Emi comes home with her significant other.

I want to be the parent that is ok with his daughter becoming sexually active when she is older (I say this as I reach for the shotgun...) but I'm afraid of becoming the parent who will never be able to handle his baby having anything to do with...shh...s...e...x....

It's funny how the Advent of parenthood changes your perspective across such a broad spectrum of topics. The prospect of travelling changes massively. Be it a simple trip into the mountains to see friends (it's snowing, it's not worth the risk of getting hit with Emi on board) to travelling home and trying to figure out what to pack. Or even how to diaper her for the days we are home (we use cloth but Hope thinks we will be better off using disposables while we are back in Maine).

Parental decisions. And then, someday down the road, we are going to get saddled with, "Dad, I'm bringing XXX home from school for Thanksgiving. Can XXX and I share my room?"

And my answer? "Sure Emi. As long as XXX understands that the trundle bed is comfortable and that I will be camped out on the floor with my shotgun between the two of you."

Deep breaths.

I'm a Dad now....

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