Saturday, October 23, 2010

Lesson 6 - Celebration and Acceptance

Dearest Emiko, I cannot begin to find the words to express all the thoughts that are swirling through my mind on this late Friday evening. I can only begin to say that I have been humbled after reading the following post from another blog named Momastery. And I only came across this post due to a shared post from your Auntie Phoebe. So, when you are old enough to understand what you will read, please make sure to thank her.

Emi, the following will be nothing new to you. Mom and I are committed to impressing upon you the importance of welcoming others with open arms. To not be judgemental. And to stand up for what you know in your heart is right. To borrow from Paulo Coelho: if you and your heart become friends, neither you nor your heart will be capable of betraying the other.

A Mountain I am Willing to Die On

This wonderful essay moved me to tears. And that's ok. While the topic is tragic and it makes me sad, I am also overjoyed to see that there are others willing to stand up for their beliefs. Step by step, we will all continue to make this world a more beautiful place.

Please know that if you only listen to your heart, you will always know the answer when you are confronted by the challenges of life. Because I know you will always make the right choice.

I love you so very much and can't wait for you to wake so we can spend tomorrow together.


1 comment:

Momastery said...

"I love you so very much and can't wait for you to wake so we can spend tomorrow together."

how beautiful. i wish your baby and my baby could be friends. after reading this, i already consider you a friend.

So much love,